Lozor (Grisaire Supplement)

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Notable Places[edit]

Capital: The diverse island nation of Lozor has their capital, Chankulo, located where their Tower of Peace is erected, along with the Tranquil Palace and Court of Serenity.

Bamboo Mountains: This massive landmark is called a mountain, but it is actually that of bamboo rather than stone. A mystical breed of this ancient plant from ancient days grows as thick as a town's berth, reaching high up into the clouds and piercing the skies. On these amazingly thick and sturdy rods is the village of panda dragons which lies above the clouds. This bamboo forest is known to be notoriously difficult to climb and few have ever dared, for its altitude invites a host of nasty guardians along its roots as well as its impressive height. The roots of this forest are said to extend into the other side of the world. Its sky-piercing height can be seen from the Endix continent as a tower-like extension in the east.

Tuoshu: This place is where the Lozorian temple to Orshidii is placed. Within is shrined the legendary Iron Rice Bowl. It is said that the specter of the first emperor, Sukan, appears at dawn at this place to greet the sun and repel thieves. Tuoshu is also located on one of the Mountains of Sage Fingers, which are ten peaks that rise into misty clouds in a ring-like formation. From here, the specter is said to also watch over all of Lozor.

Redang Island: The "Island of Red Waves" is located off the coast of the southern half of Lozor. The waters here are warm and the weather is always tropical and sweltering. As the name implies, the water that laps at the shores appear red due to the reddish silt that remained from Akaei's bodily expulsions.

Saza Coast is a long stretch of beach along the upper west coast of Lozor. It is said that the body of the esquidna had washed ashore there, and its restless spirit has cursed the location.

Miscellaneous Locations[edit]

Warai-kubi-jime is a small island in the archipelago that is actively avoided by everyone because of its horrid reputation. The worst criminals are sent here to die if they cannot be executed on their home island for whatever reason. The island's notorious reputation comes from the legend of the curse of laughter. Supposedly, at night, there is always laughing to be heard among the island and its mountainous forest. It usually takes someone three days before they are driven insane by the constant sound in their ears, after which they develop a deadly fever and then die.


A notable amount of the Lozorian population is non-human and highly mixed, being the majority. Dragonborn comprise a large population here, claiming ancestry from ancient draconic gods that birthed everything, ultimately leading back to the deity, Tarekaya. Panda dragons are also present here as a different sort of draconic creature. Yuan-ti, members of a differing lineage from limbless drakes, populate the southern part of Lozor. Along the eastern coasts also boast jinei villages.


Family, nation, self are the three simplified items of interest in the Lozorian hierarchy of desires, a concept which rules most culture in their nation.


Lozor is united as one nation under the Golden Emperor, started by the first emperor and uniter of Lozor, Sukan. Different tribal leaders or village chiefs are integrated within the Silver Court under the Golden Emperor and serve as a sort of parliamentary power to counterbalance. How these leaders or chiefs are elected or succeeded within their own local are vastly varied. Therefore, this means that, locally, Lozor has a fragmented patchwork of government systems. At the upper echelons, it is much more uniform and standardized. Certain practices from the main governance supersede that of the lower branches and mandates regarding things like infrastructure, education, and welfare are all standardized across the island nation.

Golden Emperor
Emperor Srithulvakanmann, by Yanied

The current Golden Emperor (Age of Precipice, 9,956 AP-present) is the dragonborn Srithulvakanmann. Blessed by Tarekaya and Ongana, Srithulvakanmann has two heritages of dragonblood, as well as powers from the celestial kirin.

Clans and Tribes[edit]

Prior to establishment of the Golden Emperor and courts, the archipelago of Lozor was divided along lines of clans that formed larger tribes. While their power to rule of their own domains has certainly diminished, these tribes remain influential in contemporary politics, having envoy seats that occupy the Silver Court.


Jade Dragon Syndicate



The main beliefs of Lozor include that of dragons. According to their mainstream religion, which draws mostly from the primary patronage of Tarekaya, most sentient life was born from that of dragons. Minor gods were born from Tarekaya's blood when the deity was wounded fighting Primus. These minor draconic gods created animals and other living creatures, which descended into modern day. These gods themselves eventually turned their existences into the race that is dragonborn today. This belief system is highly centered on raising the status of dragonborn, who share the most likeness to that of dragons.


Mitao are honey plums


Hell Child[edit]

A child is on the verge of being killed as part of a local ritual, believing that it will appease the rise of strange and recent disasters. But something doesn't quite add up.

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