Crow Quills (5e Equipment)

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Weapon (rapier and daggers), very rare (requires attunement)

Thrusting swords that were wielded by ancient Corvian Knights, and a special paired weapon.

The thin, black thrusting sword has a black handle, and its pommel resembles that of a thin crow's wing. Paired alongside it is a hip-mounted pouch containing sixteen razor sharp, balanced daggers that are held in a very similar fashion. When the sword is drawn, you can brandish four daggers in your left hand adding 2d4 slashing damage to melee attacks made with the sword. Both the rapier and the daggers have a +1 bonus to attack and damage rolls made with these magic weapons.

Quill Dart. When attuned to this weapon, you innately learn a stance used by Corvian Knights that have wielded crow quills before you. As a bonus action, you may choose up to four targets to throw daggers at. You may only throw as many daggers as you have drawn, up to four daggers.

A set of crow quills
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