Additional Worldbuilding (Grisaire Supplement)

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This page is just a compilation of worldbuilding ideas that don't really fit anywhere else. They are optional readings if the Dungeon Master so wishes to use them.

Speaking In Grisaire[edit]

Just for fun, below is a lexicon of some terms and what they mean, as well as what languages they are in and where in the world they are used. Some of them, or most of them, may just end up being weird swear words.

God's [insert body part]

"I ain't no elf child."

This is a common Dwarvish saying that belittles elves for the perceived fragility by dwarves. A dwarf might say this instead of "tis only a flesh wound." This is a saying most common among mountain dwarves. It is not a term really used by duergar.


This is an obvious insult, equivalent to bastard. This is a common phrase in many languages.


The noun version of "whoresinging," this is usually used to make fun of people that are too loud while they are fornicating. Interestingly, this is a common Elvish insult. It is used to criticize unbecoming behavior. As one would expect, it is usually used by high elves, and usually only the urbanite ones.

  • Example: I simply could not sleep last night, what with that whoresong emanating next door.
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There was never a time when adventure and imagination failed more than our laws.
Willich Wonka, 7800 AP

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