Zenquilch (5e Race)

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They're quite cute, to be honest. A bit of a loner, but that's survival for ya.
—Zanna Hamadan, Forest ranger

Physical Description[edit]

The zenquilch are a unique and strange race of humanoid felines. Their bodies are known to be thin, to the near point of being skeletal. Their skin is also notably hairless, making them appear like bony sphinx cats. Like sphinx cats, zenquilch have overtly pointed ears that stick out from their head more than your domestic house cat. At night, the true nature of the zenquilch is revealed, as their skeletal forms become very pronounced in the absence of light. They appear like skeletal demons when in darkness. Their eyes and bones glow a faint turquoise color as well. This is because zenquilch actually have some properties tying them to undead, making them an unnerving existence for many.

Zenquilch clothing has two forms: one for stealth, and the other for presence. Their emaciated appearance is easily hidden under capes and cloaks to make them appear innocuous. However, zenquilch also have a bit of a prideful side and they do value jewelry, particularly that of gold. As such, they like to wear bangles, headdresses, and other accessories that appear more regal. Zenquilch will wear the latter more often among their own as a sign of their status. Around other races, zenquilch are more reserved and will usually cover themselves more fully.


Long ago a tribe of Sphinxes had the unusual desire to explore the colder reaches of the world. Having traveled to a distant continent to the north, out of fear, need for survival or perhaps simple curiosity we may never know. After countless generations of living there the tribe of Sphinxes began to exhibit changes that made them more suited to their new climate. Their human looking faces grew fur, their ears sharper and also with fur both to protect them from the cold. Their more feline features began to emerge in response to the new environment, and their other bird and humanoid features displayed themselves in different ways. Their colouration changed to be more bird like, although this was probably as a result of them growing a larger quantity of thicker fur rather than any need for camouflage. Their wings were the first to go, with them being useless in the cold icy winds and prone to frostbite. Now in present day an entirely new species is born. With features much more suited to live in the colder regions, any attempt to return to their ancestral homeland would surely be foolish. The last any saw of them was in the Tortured Lands, it is said they left for beyond the Great Glacier. With the changes brought from adapting to their new environment, some abilities had to be replaced or sacrificed. That being the ability to have any sort of magic. Magic to a Zenquiltch can be compared to being allergic, any kind of magic used, obtained, or inflicted upon will result in death. So even a healing spell will inflict more damage than good.

Zenquiltch Names[edit]

The general naming convention for this species is to use the Slavic words for plants and herbs. Due to the many different Slavic dialects many members of this species can be named after the same plant, in a different dialect

Zenquiltch Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Dexterity score increases by 2 and your Constitution score increases by 1.
Size. Zenquiltch are anywhere 4ft8 to 5ft5. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet they also have a swimming speed of 10 feet and a climbing speed of 30 feet
Darkvision. You have a cat's keen senses, especially in the dark. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Magic Incapability. You are incapable of creating or performing any magic, or magic based abilities as well as receiving the effects from any positive spells cast upon you. However any negative spell effects are doubled in duration, intensity or both depending on the nature of the spell.
Languages. {{{languages}}}

Random Height and Weight[edit]

′ '' + lb. × () lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

(one vote)

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