Unidentified Hydronian (5e Race)

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Scales.png This page is of questionable balance. Reason: Some of these traits do not seem mechanically defined enough. If you cannot fly within certain parameters, those dimensions should be listed out. The inner storm attack uses round count charging, which is not a 5e thing, and the recharge wording is incorrect. The damage of the attack seems a bit iffy to me. The trait to just regrow heads and limbs makes regenerate moot. Also, non-breathing should be written more mechanically, like how undead nature uses it.

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Unidentified Hydronian[edit]

" Well, I've never seen anything like it. It violates everything we know about the natural order! Unless... its not part of the natural order?"

Physical Description[edit]

These specific species of hydrodians vary fairly wildly in appearance but have some easily discernable physical traits. They always have multiple heads, ranging from 2-5 though it's possible for an individual to have more. The heads usually have very draconic features but can somewhat resemble a human's face or a more lizard-like appearance depending on origins. The heads have various arrangements of horns, hairs, and feathers, some may resemble certain types of dragons like Chinese style, eastern, or western styles which can affect horn arrangement. A lot of these Hydronian species sport large, impressive wings though it's possible to find ones that do not have these appendages they lose out on the obvious trait. The rest of the body is generally humanoid in build, with a wider pair of hips making room for the tail/tails, the wings are either attached through the arms and hand bones or are instead attached to the backside of the creature. Tail or tails vary in appearance from having pointed ends, Clubbed ends, or even tufts of hair at the end. The mouths have razor sharp teeth and fairly long tongues, eyes vary Hydronian to hyrdronian and can be pure white all the way to a fully detailed eye with cat like pupils. Another unique appearance trait is when they are charging their breath attack, their chest and throat begin to light up in the element they are about to unleash.


The term "U.H.F" was coined for Unidentified Hydra-like figure, but later shortened to Unidentified Hydronian for the original hydronian species comfort. These extremely rare Hydronians are a bit of a mystery among scholars, the sentient ones capable of speech don't mention anything about their past and are emotionally defensive about it being a simple origin story. Many have seen these specific hydronians do odd things such as regrowing a head in public scaring bystanders by the noise it makes, other instances include spending copious amounts of time underwater with any sign of coming up for air with the longest recorded time being 3 days! A lot of these strange happenings has made many high scholars and nobles debate the topic, eventually referring to them as a simple invasive species, though some astronomers have mentioned seeing them in the upper atmosphere these claims have yet to be confirmed for sure. A simple guess to their origins has been dumbed down to 3 sources, Either they were created through a mutation, a possible new breed, or are from beyond these lands, whether they are from a hidden continent or actually from space is a major topic of debate.


Unidentified hydronians can vary in personality, especially considering there are so few. The few that do exist in many societies tend to be in a way "power hungry" as they dont pass up on opportunities for conquest, rising through ranks, or accumulation of money. As such they tend to be very conniving and tend to be scheming a lot of the time, this tends to lead many species to have a distaste for them. Dwarves especially dislike U-hydronians, as they tend to steal their gold while they are not looking along with any weapons or tools left out. A lot of these hydronians also are fairly aggressive, taking many arguments and fights into their own hands. Street brawls and Fistfights are frequent among the few individuals that have been observed. Most societies Generally do not appreciate this, but there are plenty of brutish species out there that are a lot dumber than U-Hydronians so many societies let this go. One specific individual has actually become an arena gladiator, which they have admitted is a perfect fit for their personality as it brings them fame and power, thanks to their regenerative abilities they come out of most fights beat up but heal within a couple hours to a day from even the most severe injuries.

Unidentified Hydronian Names[edit]

These names vary wildy, but tend to follow names similar to numbers, gods, planets, and astrology.

Male: Zero, Zeus, Apollo, Neptune, Pluto, Saturn, Belt, Ray. Female: Venus, Comet, Amaterasu, Raijin, Mars, Tiamat.

Unidentified Hydronian Traits[edit]

Hydronians from unknown origins. A cunning race full of varied indivduals that all share having multiple limbs, necks, and tails for physical traits.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2 and your Strength score increases by 1.
Age. Supposedly they generally take as many years as a human to mature, as for lifespan a drunk individual let out that he hated being millions of years old so go off that for reference.
Alignment. Though not all are inherently evil, you wont see many lawful or do-gooders that aren't looking for self benefit.
Size. U-Hydronians are generally between 6-10 feet tall at the shoulders, with necks not being accounted for in height as they as prehensile and can vary in length. Size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 25 feet. Your base flying speed is 40 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light up to 60ft as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You cannot discern colors in darkness, only shades of gray.
Turbulent Winds. This character has an impressive wingspan, the wings are both durable and strong, able to carry the creature and any armor type. The downside of this carrying capacity is that in almost all indoor spaces you cannot takeoff and because of wing structure on Wings structured from the arms you can only hold specific weapons(Handled weapons primarily but anything covering a hand must be custom made for you), and gauntlets must be tailored for you specifically. (Check with your dm for weapon ideas). Heavy armor reduces flight speed to 35.
Inner Storm. This creature can spend 2 turns charging up energy, once charged it can unleash A breath attack from all its mouths during a 10 minute timeframe otherwise it will need to charge again. The targeted creature must make a saving throw The DC for this saving throw equals 8 + your Constitution modifier + your Proficiency Bonus, this attack deals 4d6(Fire, Acid, Lightning, or cold) damage on a failed save and half as much damage on a successful one, in a straight line at the target, during the attack the creature is knocked back 25 feet from you in a straight line. This Special attack can only be recharged after every long rest. maximum range is 40 feet. The damage increases to 6d6 at 6th Level, 8d6 at 11th level, and 10d6 at 16th level.
Concentrated Cell Combination. After a long rest this creature can enter a concentrated state, if uninterrupted for 10 minutes it will regrow any lost limbs, including heads, however if all heads are gone its game over like any other creature.
Unnatural Order. For whatever reason, this creature doesn't breathe. Being underwater or near poisonous gasses is null and void to this strange monster. This races creature type is humanoid.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

5′ 0'' +4d20 300 lb. × (3d4) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

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