The cloaked (5e Race)

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Physical Description[edit]

The cloaked are a race of intelligent living shadows, always wearing hooded cloaks/robes, and masks. they are often mistaken for cultists, due to their aesthetic choices. unsurprisingly, they often side with liches, wizards, illithids, and other such beings, due to their knowledge-hoarding tendencies.


The cloaked were summoned into this realm by a group of sorcerers attempting to make contact with something beyond this reality, and when they finally succeeded, the cloaked began manifesting around the more magically-attuned places in the underdark.


the cloaked have a symbiotic society that meshes well with most civilised societies. the opposite can be said about them attempting to adapt to more barbaric civilisations.

Cloaked Names[edit]

These creatures imitate the names of races they dwell near.

Cloaked Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. the cloaked are naturally learned creatures, giving them a +2 int, and a +2 wis, but due to the lack of a physical body, they get a -2 str.
Age. These beings do not age.
Alignment. Due to their strict society, they tend to drift towards lawful alignments.
Size. Your size is Medium.
Type. You are an Aberration.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30, and you can walk on water.
Perfect Mind. the cloaked have advantage against being charmed, detecting illusions, being frightened, etc.
Telekinetic Power. these beings have mild telekinesis, acting similar to the spell mage hand.
Weightless. due to being made of shadows, they have no base weight, aside from their equipped attire.
Semi-Physical. due to their semi-physical nature, the cloaked are immune to poison and necrotic damage and you have resistance to cold and psychic damage types, but they are vulnerable to radiant and fire-based attacks.
Burning Light. the cloaked take 1d4 radiant damage per turn (every 6 seconds) while directly in sunlight.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common, Celestial and one other language of your choice.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

6′ 5'' +n/a 0 lb. × (0) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

(one vote)

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