Surrakar, Variant (5e Race)

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"Surrakar are brutal creatures that make a living plundering and raiding. Perfect crewmates."-Narboulg nine-fingers, orc pirate.

Physical Description[edit]

The grey-skinned Surrakar have a shambling gait. They have the height of an average elf, but are heavier, with a dewlap hanging down from their chins, and long tails that drag on the ground. In the entirety of the multiverse, Surrakar are only known to thrive on the Bala Ged subcontinent on the plane of Zendikar. Deep in the Guum Wilds, the Surrakar marauders make their nests among boggy limestone hillocks. Extremely ferocious, they are thought by many inhabitants of the plane to be nothing more than savage monsters, though some suspect that they have some intelligence and societal structure. They are known to collect treasures and use weapons.In appearance, the Amphin are a similar race. Perhaps they are related.


The surrakar have lived in solitude and peace for eons on the continent of bala ged, undisturbed by other races. surrounded by an impenetrable storm, nothing rached that continent until the eldrazi appeared. the roil brought entire islands hurtling into bala ged, bringing other races such as kor, elves, and goblins. and then the eldrazi arrived. the once lush continent of bala ged is soon to be reduced to a wasteland by the deadly eldrazi, and the might of the surrakar wears thin...


Surrakar are filled with an urge to kill strong enough that they often prey on their own kind.The surrakar society, if one exists, is brutal and based on killing prowess. The leader is a dreadnaught male alpha, who destroys anyone who challenges him. there is one exception, however: the spellblades. spell blades are the deadly mages of the surrakar, drawing their power from brute force. they use this to maintain dominance, and even rule over small groups. surrakar live in groups by necessity, as they would be killed off by eldrazi otherwise. they sleep and hunt inches below the mud of the swamps they inhabit. Then when anything steps or swims near them, they burst forth drawing their entire group. This lets them all benefit from a single kill when food is scarce. Mabie kind of a society?

surrakar Names[edit]

Names are often deemed unnecessary by surrakar, and they are usually named by others they meet. their names don't distinguish between male and female because it's hard to tell, and why really bother?

gore, fang, Alpha, scar, hunter

Surrakar Traits[edit]

Brutal amphibious creatures that are driven by passion, rage, and a bigger one with an ax.
Ability Score Increase. Your Strength score increases by 2.
Age. Unfortunately, surrakar almost always die young. the oldest recorded lifespan in the wild was 28. they mature at age 6, and learn to kill from there onward.
Alignment. Chaotic. so chaotic. sometimes evil.
Size. surrakar are BIG, and 5 feet is absurdly short for them. they top out at 9 feet tall, but only rarely reach that height.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet. you can swim at a speed equal to your walking speed +5.
Darkvision. Within 30 feet, you can see in darkness as if the darkness were dim light, so areas of darkness are only lightly obscured as far as you are concerned. However, you can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
amphibious. you can breathe fresh water as though it was air, and salt water for up to 10 minutes + your Constitution modifier
Ravenous Bite.. Your enlarged, fanged maw is a natural weapon, which you can use to make unarmed strikes. If you hit with it, you deal piercing damage equal to 1d6 + your strength modifier, instead of the bludgeoning damage normal for an unarmed strike. Starting at 5th lv, you also gain 1d4 hp on a hit.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and surrak

<Subrace Name>[edit]

Ability Score Increase. your Wisdom score increases by 1
Surrakar Magic. You can cast the shape water and the shape earth cantrips. You can also cast your choice of erupting earth or tidal wave once per day starting at lv 5.

<Subrace Name>[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Wisdom score increases by 1
Blood rage. Whenever you see a creature take slashing or piercing damage, you may enter a blood rage. When you enter a blood rage, you make a melee attack on a random creature within 5 feet of you, even if it is an ally. When in a blood rage you must make an attack each turn or exit the blood rage. When raging, you score a critical hit on a roll of 19+, and have advantage on attack rolls.

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