Parasite Alpha (5e Subrace)

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Scales.png This page is of questionable balance. Reason: What race is this? The way it is infection makes it sound more like a disease. It also uses arbitrary DCs and essentially seems to allow you to take over a creature or something, or spawn a creature under your control? That's pretty broken and the mechanics behind it are also ill-defined.

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This is a subrace for this race : This is a custom content for a custom campaign, it's probably not very balanced but you can still use this content freely or get inspired by it and create new things.

Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 1.
Alpha Genitor. You can infect a being with a parasite egg. After 1d8 days the egg will open, kill the infected being and a new parasite will be born (It will automaticly have the parasite class and the subclass will be determined with a roll). You can do this only on being you have taken by Hostile Takeover or Passive Attachement. The creature can make a Perception roll (DC15) and detect the egg if it succeeds and it can make a Medicine roll (DC18) to remove it himself or another creature can make the roll (DC15) to remove it. Roll a d100 if the roll is under the CR of the creature infect by the egg, another Alpha under your control will be born(The default subclass will be the Lich). Note : Alphas under your control can't create another Alpha.
Alpha's King Pheromones. You can create Pheromones to command the parasites that you have created with Alpha Genitor. With these Pheromones, you can talk telepatically with the parasites under your control up to 1km and up to 10km when communicating with Alphas.
Alpha's King Hostile Takeover. You can go up to stage 3 while doing a Greater Hostile Takeover but you will roll with disadvantage. And you can go up to stage 2 with Superior Hostile Takeover but you will roll with disadvantage, additionally you can go up to stage 3 but roll with disadvantage and you need to sacrifice half of your health.

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