Mask of Heresy (5e Race)

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Mask Of Heresy[edit]

Physical Description[edit]

Just as your own name indicates, you are a mask, but far from being like any other, you have a sinister and infamous aspect typical of your profane nature.The color of the mask varies depending on how it was created, and can be a wide range of colors depending on the damage it is resistant to. The mask has holes for eyes and mouth that look unusually wicked and denote viciousness. When the mask takes possession of a body, it will adapt to the face of its target, meaning that if not observed by magical means it will appear exactly the same as the original face. The instant a mask is seen as it is, the face deforms to reveal its true form, an anti-holy creature clinging to a lifeless body it has stolen its abilities from.


Born in the dark depths of the abyss by the unholy prowess of an infernal, the masks were designed as corrupted artifacts capable of taking control over any life form in order to bring their influence to even the most remote corners of existence. His goal is clear, to reach the maximum possible power and offer it to his master to complete his evil plan. Legends say that in reality said devil does not exist and that the masks were the result of the concentrated evil of mortals and gods, who, letting themselves be dominated by different impulses and sins, created their own sins with said energy, giving the masks the ability to control any being as well as the greed of its desires. It is believed that not all masks are active due to the relative tranquility in the world, but it is this ability to act that allows them to take control over more and more areas to make plans on a larger scale. There are ten masks, of which it is believed that only one met with its creator, the blessing he received for completing his work was such that he not only obtained his own body, but it rivals that of a demon prince or king of an infernal circle. Extra information for the DM, said devil you can take it into account or not, taking one of the two possibilities of the origin of the legend of the masks, in case you do it you can create this entity yourself, you have the tools to do it an ancient evil god or an infernal so powerful that he does not interfere in abyssal wars or the blood war itself because he believes that his objective deserves more attention, in any case the power of an entity capable of granting a body like the one mentioned in the story is effectively superior to that of a demon prince or infernal king, it is up to you to place it in the divine ranking that is most appropriate in your game.


In time immemorial, the masks talked among themselves and about their mission, deciding not to get in the way of each other so as not to cross interests in their area of ​​influence, for this reason it is very rare that a mask is close to the possible territory of another, of In any case, that does not mean that they do not appreciate each other, if one of them dies, the others will do everything possible to recover it through a ritual and possibly take revenge if they do not attract much attention or they can afford it. They do not follow any type of hierarchy but they respect and can accept to take advice from those masks that are closest to their objective. Once every hundred years or crisis that affects them the masks meet to discuss their future plans and courses of action. Those who know of their existence recognize them as cursed artifacts and, like any artifact, destroying them completely is an excessively complex task that can lead to problems in the future.

Mask Of Heresy Names[edit]

The masks have no gender but can act as the one they prefer and gain control over the bodies they feel more comfortable, even though they will always prefer the one with the more power. They have various names given by mortals and other creatures, but some names chosen by their master were: Hoshek, Iashlot, Gom-Cah, Predicia, Ribonite and Nekma.

Mask Of Heresy Traits[edit]

Ability Score Increase. Your Charisma score increases by 1 your Wisdom score increases by 1 and your Constitution Score increases by 1.
Age. For being a mask you have not a mature age and your age can be anyone, a mask will not die unless it is killed.
Alignment. As an object created for retribution you can be of any alignment, even the good one, but, you will always be on the side of the abyss.
Size. Your base size is tiny.
Speed. Your base speed is 30 feet as you levitate, when you gain control over a body your speed is that of the body
Made with quality. All masks were created with different qualities, including resistance, you can choose to have resistance to one of this options: Necrotic, Radiant, Fire, Cold, Lightning, Thunder, Force, Acid, Psychic. Poison is not include since as a construct you are immune to it. And get one of this skills: Insight, Persuasion or Religion.
Same manufacture. Normally a mask that is lodged in a body is imperceptible by non-magical means looking like a normal face, although the same masks can recognize each other without problems.
Leaving. You can leave your body and move as a Mask, in that case you levitate. You cannot move more than 60 feet from the body you are using and what will depart from it will be a ghostly essence, this essence is immune to non-magical attacks and can see, hear and feel things around it, when this essence is affected by an attack that manages to damage it disappears returning to the body. To do this requires concentration and can not be done more than once every hour
Mask´s Mind. You have an advantage on saving throws against being frightened or charmed.
An Non-Organic. Due to your physiognomy you don´t need to eat, drink, sleep.... Moreover you can´t be affected by disease and poison.
Possession. Not surprisingly, masks are capable of taking control over a body, for which the body has a minimum intelligence of 6, when comes into contact with the mask, he has to make a saving throw of wisdom against the DC of the mask, in a failure he will put it on, there he will have to make a Charisma saving throw, on a miss the mask will gain full control of the body, both rolls must be favorable to the mask or the control will not work, consequently the control can be removed by an additional action of the mask and the unique way that does not imply the mask's own decision to remove it from removing it is killing it, so remove curse, major and minor restoration, etc. It doesn't work. The DC of the mask is 8+Proficiency bonus+Charisma modifier. When the mask gains control of the body, it loses all its abilities and the mask's abilities pass instead, with the exception of one ability that the mask can choose to maintain while in that body. If the Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution stats were higher the mask will use those as well as any darkvision or physical abilities. It will also maintain the resistances and immunities of the body added to theirs and they will receive a small increase to life depending on their difficulty, for bodies of difficulty 5 and below a +5, 6 to 12 +10, 13 to 20 +15, 20 to 25 +20 and 26 to 30 +30.
Even without a body. A mask without a body doesn´t have any limbs or things like that, but can move levitating, and all other things, so it can do lots of things and use class abilities if the mask has a class, as an action and using concentration the mask can manifest the minimum it needs to use it´s class, for example, a mask that is a fighter and has no body can manifest a spectral hand that can´t get further away than it would from a normal body and use it to attack with it´s corresponding modifiers, it could also make appear hands to make the necessary movements to cast a spell. When a mask loses concentration it need to make a wisdom saving throw of DC 16, if the mask succedes can spend another action on it´s next turn to remake it´s false limbs or whatever it needed to use it´s class.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and Abyssal.

Random Height and Weight[edit]

1,5 feet′ Variable'' +6 feet 2.2 lb lb. × (Variable) lb.

*Height = base height + height modifier
**Weight = base weight + (height modifier × weight modifier)

(one vote)

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