Kaonashi (5e Race)

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Physical Description[edit]

Kaonashi are cursed spirits with erie, expressionless masks. When hungry, they are thin and fade to invisibility at their feet. They have stubby arms and frog like legs. as soon as one consumes a creature, it expands and loses its transparent qualities. as it eats, however, it only grows hungrier. Its maw is abnormally large, and positioned just below its mask, which bears purple, red, or orange markings resembling claw marks. They can produce gold, but said gold becomes useless dirt after a few hours.


The origin of Kaonashi is shrouded in mystery. weather they were banished banished from the spirit realm for their greed and selfishness, or left of their own accord, they now wander the earth bearing a unique curse. They are compelled to give gifts to all they meet, but if the individual accepts their gift out of greed, they are forced to devour them. (or rather try.) A particularly dangerous Kaonashi, known as no-face, Was at one point so terrifyingly huge that his height was estimated to top out at 15 feet.


Their curse makes it difficult for them to participate in society, and many become hermits. Those that don't join into nomadic tribes. They put little value on life and it is acceptable to eat one another because they believe they are reborn anyway. Those that do it for pleasure or excessively so, however are banished. They still pray to the Spirit Emperor in spit of the fact that he cursed and possibly banished them. Some believe that the Spirit Emperor has abandoned them and seek to satisfy themselves with material things. these ones are doomed to madness. The two groups are currently observing a sort of armed truce that could explode into a conflict very easily.

Kaonashi Names[edit]

Kaonashi are spirits and don't seem to be divided into male and female, so neither are their names.

Some names include: It that crawls in the shadows, Masked one, mouth of midnight, voice of greed.

Kaonashi Traits[edit]

masked spirit oozes with ominous masks and enormou mouths.
Ability Score Increase. Your Constitution score increases by 2 and your Charisma score or your Strength increases by 1.
Age. As they are spirits, they are immortal until slain. they mature at the same age as humans.
Alignment. They are almost always chaotic and typically evil.
Size. Kaonashi vary widely in height and build, from barely 5 feet to well over 6 feet tall. As they devour prey, they grow up to 10 feet taller. Your size is Medium.
Speed. Your base walking speed is 30 feet.
Darkvision. You can see in dim light within 60 feet of you as if it were bright light, and in darkness as if it were dim light. You can't discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Fools Gold. As an action, you may conjure 1d6+ your proficiency bonus worth of fake gold. This gold disintegrates into slimy mud after 24 hours.
Maw of Arivice. If a creature accepts a gift from you out of greed, you must succeed on a DC15-your proficiency bonus wisdom saving throw. On a failed save, The DM takes control of your character until the end of your next turn. While controlled like this, you have advantage on bite attacks and can produce double the gold you normally could. Your walking speed increases by 5 feet while under this affect and for 3 turns after.
Ravenous Bite. You gain an attack action that does 1D8+ your strength modifier damage on a hit. you gain life equal to your proficiency bonus on a hit. when you reduce a creature to 0 hit points, gain hit points equal to that creatures constitution modifier, the next use of this attack does an extra 3 damage, and your size increases by 5 feet.
Invisible. As an action, you may turn invisible. (Only if you are less than 10 feet in size, and only a number of times per day equal to your proficiency bonus.) As long as you move less than 11 feet per turn, this effect lasts until you hit another creature with an attack.
Languages. You can speak, read, and write Common and one other language of your choice.

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