Discussion:Has anyone a rule for getting help from another player when pushing an object can you combine your strength and then x by 30.

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190799 (talk16:54, 3 August 2022 (MDT)[edit]

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Gl17cHw3rk5 (talk12:28, 24 December 2023 (MST)[edit]

I'm not sure which roleplaying system you're referring to but for most of the DND family of games this sort of situation would be handled like this.

The amount of weight you can push or pull is equal to five times your carry weight. so, 5*(15 *your strength score), or 75* your strength score. since both players are working in tandem you can combine their strength scores for this calculation. So 75*(player1 Strength + player2 Strength).

you could homebrew that the amount you could push like this would be less on objects firmly anchored to the ground, lacking skids, wheels, rollers, or anything else to help them roll more easily. Likewise if the ground has poor traction like if it is slick mud or wet cobblestone they could rule that it would be less. but without such rulings that is more or less how it works.

hope this helps

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