Artefacts (Baronan Supplement)

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The Staff of Mages[edit]

The staff of mages is a powerful staff created by Relkath to harness his power. Now it resides in the hands of whoever heads up the Mages Council. At the moment, it’s Hythar, a female elf wizard who has lead the mages council for some time now.

It the user is able to cast spells, it gives them the following benefits: - one additional spell slot of each level they can cast - two additional cantrips from any spell list (these are forgotten if the user looses control of the staff) - if the user is a sorcerer, they get 10 additional sorcery points. Otherwise, they get 10 sorcery points, the flexible casting sorcerer ability, and one meta-magic sorcerer ability.

The staff can only be destroyed with three successive meteor swarms directed at it.

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