Super Hero & Martial Arts & Lots More Maneuvers (3.5e Martial Artist Maneuver)
Extended Maneuver List[edit]
Maker of the Create your own SuperHero Class.
Work In progress
This Well include many different School/Maneuver Types in a basic but very customizable format. Example taking the attack tree, may allow you to focus on critical or attack speed or simply hitting like a Big angry truck. while the defence tree may focus on absorbing spells, or blocking attacks, allowing more imagination of your character to take place. to design a character exactly what you image! Theses Maneuvers Can be very powerful, and are ment for a high powered(or super hero) campaign setting.
Requirments Able To use maneuvers of the correct Lvl, example SuperHero class having 3 Class abilities in the Maneuver tree, or a warblade 6th caster lvl could use 3rd spell lvl manuvers or lower.
All Duriation Till cancel, are also (Oppsional)
All Abilities may look like anything you want, example Sprint may leave streaks of fire, or a death attack, you could just wave your hand, or make 1000 swords appear, and impale your victim. Still useing your attack bonus and everything like normal.
Only one boost can be active at a time.
Stances/Styles/Boosts Can be used on ranged attacks as well, example area style on an laser sniper rifle.
Attack Tree[edit]
Level 1
Attack Stance: Stance, Full round action. Required to be in an attack stance to use anything in the attack maneuvers. +2att/dmg(per lvl) +1 Extra attck Every 5 lvls (5,10,15,20), at highest attack bonus. Armor bonues Droped to 10, As your armor magicaly turns into light armor for more mobility.
Area Style: Boost, Swift action. Attacks become area effects of 5 ft radus. You Not effected by this, imagin cleave or wirlwind for example, or wind slashes extrended from you sword. This may also be used with other manuvers for example an Bleed/Burn, or an Death Attack.
Heavy Stlye: Boost, swift action. Combind all your attacks into one works with frency -6 Ac or -6 Att. Duriation Till cancel, example 3 atacks 1d10+4 = 3d10+12
Berserk/Frency: Boost, swift action. +2 Extra attacks, -6Ac or -6attack. Duriation Till cancel
Sprint: increase Run speed by 30 ft. Swift Action Boost.
Range: Throw an attack 1d10dmg/Caster +Str Lvl Full attack action, of whatever you can imagine example a lightning bolt, music/sound, or tacos... Hey if you want your Character to be a evil angry dwarven sheif who am i to judge.
Melee: As Range, but as a melee attack.
Trip: Cause normal damage on an trip attempt, 1 attack as standard action
Level 2
Bleed/Burn: Boost a attack to Cause 1d4dmg/caster 1rd/caster lvl. May be whatever time of dmg, bleed, fire, acid, posion so so. (free action)
Berserk II: Boost, swift action. +2 Extra attacks, -4Ac or -4attack. Duriation Till cancel
Heavy Stlye II: Boost, swift action. Combind all your attacks into one -4 Ac or -4 Att. Duriation Till cancel
Area Style II: Boost, Swift action. Attacks become area effects of 10 ft radus. You Not effected by this
Blind/Deafen: Standard action, 1 attack, Will/neg. Causes target to become blind or deafen.
Level 3
Berserk III: Boost, swift action. +3 Extra attacks at highest base attack bonus, -2Ac or -2attack. Duriation Till cancel
Heavy Stlye III: Boost, swift action. Combind all your attacks into one -2 Ac or -2 Att. Duriation Till cancel
Area Style III: Boost, Swift action. Attacks become area effects of 15 ft radus. You Not effected by this
Level 4
Berserk IV: Boost, swift action. +4 Extra attacks at highest base attack bonus. Duriation Till cancel
Heavy Stlye IV: Boost, swift action. Combind all your attacks into one -0 Ac or -0 Att. Duriation Till cancel
Area Style IV: Boost, Swift action. Attacks become area effects of 20 ft radus. You Not effected by this
paralyzation: paralyze target 1 action, 1 attack Fort/Neg.
paralyzation Boost: paralyze target 1 Swift action Fort/Neg on each attack. -6 Attack or -6 Ac
Level 5
Berserk V: Boost, swift action. +5 Extra attacks at highest base attack bonus. Duriation Till cancel
Death Attack: Full attack action(only one attack) Fort/Neg. Dc 10 + Dmg Caused, as mass damage. -6 att or -6 ac. Also gives targets in range an free attack.
Area Style V: Boost, Swift action. Attacks become area effects of 30 ft radus. You Not effected by this.
Blind/Deafen Boost III: As Boost, swift action. All strikes vs Fort/Neg Each attack.Cause Blind/Deafen Effect.
Level 6
Berserk VI: Boost, swift action. +6 Extra attacks at highest base attack bonus. Duriation Till cancel
Area Style VI: Boost, Swift action. Attacks become area effects of 50 ft radus. You Not effected by this.
Level 7
Berserk VII: Boost, swift action. +7 Extra attacks at highest base attack bonus. Duriation Till cancel
Area Style VII: Boost, Swift action. Attacks become area effects of 100 ft radus. You Not effected by this.
Level 8
Berserk IIX: Boost, swift action. +8 Extra attacks at highest base attack bonus. Duriation Till cancel
Area Style IIX: Boost, Swift action. Attacks become area effects of 500 ft radus. You Not effected by this.
Level 9
Berserk IX: Boost, swift action. +9 Extra attacks at highest base attack bonus. Duriation Till cancel
Area Style IX: Boost, Swift action. Attacks become area effects of 1000 ft radus. You Not effected by this.
Level 1
Defence Stance: 1 Full Round, required to be in a defence stance to use Defence maneuvers. (+2 Armor bonus & 2Dr/Adamantium)Per Caster Lvl. Speed reduced to 20ft, sinks in water, causes half dmg. Magically upgrade your armor, also incressing its weight, But incressing your duriblity.
Great Sheild: Takes Full Rd to active, Blocks attacks/spells(only phyical spells) in front of you 10hp/caster, making an 20ft cone behind you where the area doesnt hit. No Movement, lasts till cancled.
Agro: Make your enemies 10ft radus(per caster lvl, Will/Neg), Attack you for one rd per 2 dc failed. (Oppsional Cooldown 1d6 Rds)
Level 2
Iron Will: Use an maneuver to dispel an active mind effect, however causing you 1d4dmg per there caster lvl, no save.
Reflect Spell: If save agaist an phyical spell, example fireball, my deflect it back at caster. Running off there Dc.
Level 3
Improved Deflect Spell: Also Effects mental effects, like charm or sleep. (if target hits its self by its own charm, it becomes confused 1rd/lv)
Level 4
Level 5
AntiMagic/EMP zone: Works an antimagic spell, as standard action 40ft radus on you. My Deactive freely. Durration till canceled (Oppsionally 1rd/lvl)
Level 6
Level 7
Level 8
Level 9
Improvied Antimagic: As Antimagic/emp zone, butt free action.
Able to mimic an spell lvl. Example as a 1st lvl maneuver you could shoot someone with an dart/bow or grab someone, and cause an sleep effect. Targets get +4 Save, if you do something like try to hit someone with charm person, Right after they took a great axe to the face.
You could use this the be the master of fire magic, enchanting your blades with lots of fire magic, as you battle. For a really Cool character idea.
May also just cast time spell instead of combinding it with an attack.
May Use Attack Maneuvers under magic stance.
Level 1
Magic Stance: Stance, 1full round. An magic tree stance is required to use magic manuvers. -2 max hp/per lvl, miniumine half hp( or oppsionally causes you to take double dmg). how ever +1dc/lvl on maneuvers/spells. also Spells/maneuvers done threw attacks dont get an save, inless enchantments while causing dmg. example you could shake someones hand and charm them without a save.
Element: At an element enchantment to all your attacks, Stance, Swift action, +1d4 Dmg/Lvl. Also Gives you that subtype. Example Cold, would give you cold immunity and take double dmg from fire.
Level 2
Invisibility: Cast invisibility on strike. Example
Level 3
Level 4
Improved Invisibility: Cast Improved Invisibility on strike( 1 attack as standard action).
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
Level 8
Level 9
Attack Tree[edit]
Level 1
Attack Stance: Stance, Full round action. Required to be in an attack stance to use anything in the attack maneuvers. +2att/dmg(per lvl) +1 Extra attck Every 5 lvls, at highest attack bonus. Armor bonues Droped to 10, As your armor magicaly turns into light armor for more mobility.
Area Style: Boost, Swift action. Attacks become area effects of 5 ft radus. You Not effected by this, imagin cleave or wirlwind for example, or wind slashes extrended from you sword. This may also be used with other manuvers for example an Bleed/Burn, or an Death Attack.
Heavy Stlye: Boost, swift action. Combind all your attacks into one -6 Ac or -6 Att. Duriation Till cancel, example 3 atacks 1d10+4 = 3d10+12
Berserk/Frency: Boost, swift action. +2 Extra attacks, -6Ac or -6attack. Duriation Till cancel
Sprint: increase Run speed by 30 ft. Swift Action Boost.
Range: Throw an attack 1d10dmg/Caster +Str Lvl Full attack action, of whatever you can imagine example a lightning bolt, music/sound, or tacos... Hey if you want your Character to be a evil angry dwarven sheif who am i to judge.
Melee: As Range, but as a melee attack.
Level 2
Bleed/Burn: Boost a attack to Cause 1d4dmg/caster 1rd/caster lvl. May be whatever time of dmg, bleed, fire, acid, posion so so. (free action)
Berserk II: Boost, swift action. +2 Extra attacks, -4Ac or -4attack. Duriation Till cancel
Heavy Stlye II: Boost, swift action. Combind all your attacks into one -4 Ac or -4 Att. Duriation Till cancel
Area Style II: Boost, Swift action. Attacks become area effects of 10 ft radus. You Not effected by this
Level 3
Berserk III: Boost, swift action. +3 Extra attacks at highest base attack bonus, -2Ac or -2attack. Duriation Till cancel
Heavy Stlye III: Boost, swift action. Combind all your attacks into one -2 Ac or -2 Att. Duriation Till cancel
Area Style III: Boost, Swift action. Attacks become area effects of 15 ft radus. You Not effected by this
Level 4
Berserk IV: Boost, swift action. +4 Extra attacks at highest base attack bonus. Duriation Till cancel
Heavy Stlye IV: Boost, swift action. Combind all your attacks into one -0 Ac or -0 Att. Duriation Till cancel
Area Style IV: Boost, Swift action. Attacks become area effects of 20 ft radus. You Not effected by this
Level 5
Berserk V: Boost, swift action. +5 Extra attacks at highest base attack bonus. Duriation Till cancel
Death Attack: Full attack action(only one attack) Fort/Neg. Dc 10 + Dmg Caused, as mass damage. -6 att or -6 ac. Also gives targets in range an free attack.
Area Style V: Boost, Swift action. Attacks become area effects of 30 ft radus. You Not effected by this.
Level 6
Berserk VI: Boost, swift action. +6 Extra attacks at highest base attack bonus. Duriation Till cancel
Area Style VI: Boost, Swift action. Attacks become area effects of 50 ft radus. You Not effected by this.
Level 7
Berserk VII: Boost, swift action. +7 Extra attacks at highest base attack bonus. Duriation Till cancel
Area Style VII: Boost, Swift action. Attacks become area effects of 100 ft radus. You Not effected by this.
Level 8
Berserk IIX: Boost, swift action. +8 Extra attacks at highest base attack bonus. Duriation Till cancel
Area Style IIX: Boost, Swift action. Attacks become area effects of 500 ft radus. You Not effected by this.
Level 9
Berserk IX: Boost, swift action. +9 Extra attacks at highest base attack bonus. Duriation Till cancel
Area Style IX: Boost, Swift action. Attacks become area effects of 1000 ft radus. You Not effected by this.
Level 1
Defence Stance: 1 Full Round, required to be in a defence stance to use Defence maneuvers. (+2 Armor bonus & 2Dr/Adamantium)Per Caster Lvl. Speed reduced to 20ft, sinks in water, causes half dmg. Magically upgrade your armor, also incressing its weight, But incressing your duriblity.
Great Sheild: Takes Full Rd to active, Blocks attacks/spells(only phyical spells) in front of you 10hp/caster, making an 20ft cone behind you where the area doesnt hit. No Movement, lasts till cancled.
Agro: Make your enemies 10ft radus(per caster lvl, Will/Neg), Attack you for one rd per 2 dc failed. (Oppsional Cooldown 1d6 Rds)
Level 2
Iron Will: Use an maneuver to dispel an active mind effect, however causing you 1d4dmg per there caster lvl, no save.
Reflect Spell: If save agaist an phyical spell, example fireball, my deflect it back at caster. Running off there Dc.
Level 3
Improved Deflect Spell: Also Effects mental effects, like charm or sleep. (if target hits its self by its own charm, it becomes confused 1rd/lv)
Level 4
Level 5
AntiMagic/EMP zone: Works an antimagic spell, as standard action 40ft radus on you. My Deactive freely
Level 6
Level 7
Level 8
Level 9
Improvied Antimagic: As Antimagic/emp zone, butt free action.
Able to mimic an spell lvl. Example as a 1st lvl maneuver you could shoot someone with an dart/bow or grab someone, and cause an sleep effect. Targets get +4 Save, if you do something like try to hit someone with charm person, Right after they took a great axe to the face.
You could use this the be the master of fire magic, enchanting your blades with lots of fire magic, as you battle. For a really Cool character idea.
May also just cast time spell instead of combinding it with an attack.
Level 1
Magic Stance: Stance, 1full round. An magic tree stance is required to use magic manuvers. -2 max hp/per lvl, miniumine half hp( or oppsionally causes you to take double dmg). how ever +1dc/lvl on maneuvers/spells. also Spells/maneuvers done threw attacks dont get an save, inless enchantments while causing dmg. example you could shake someones hand and charm them without a save.
Element: At an element enchantment to all your attacks, Stance, Swift action, +1d4 Dmg/Lvl. Also Gives you that subtype. Example Cold, would give you cold immunity and take double dmg from fire.
Level 2
Level 3
Level 4
Level 5
Level 6
Level 7
Level 8
Level 9
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