Psychonaut (5e Class)

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Creating a Psychonaut[edit]

Mental soldiers trained for combat at a young age, these fighters use their psychic prowess to gain the advantage in combat. Through treachous minds to minds of those who have gone insane, Psychonauts are trained to handle even the extreme cases of psychosis

Quick build

To become a warrior of the mind mind, first your Intelligence should be your highest modifier followed by Dexterity, then Constitution. Then choose either the performer or soldier background

5e class features

As a Psychonaut you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

Hit Dice: 1d8 per psychonaut level
Hit Points at 1st Level: 1d8 + Constitution modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5 + Constitution modifier per psychonaut level after 1st


Armor: none
Weapons: Simple, Martial
Tools: pick one of your choice
Saving Throws: Intelligence, Dexterity
Skills: pick three: Acrobatics, Insight, investigation, stealth, sleight of hand, survival, religion, arcana, history


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) Explorers pack or (b) One empty satchel with parchment and 50ft of rope
       *If you are using starting wealth, you have 2d6 x 2 in funds.


-->! Level !! Proficiency
Bonus !! align="left" | Features

1st +2 Basic braining,Mental hand
2nd +2 Expertise,Telekinesis
3rd +2 Sasha Nein's deadly mark, Marksman Merit badge
4th +2 Oarsman merit badge,Ability Score Improvement
5th +3 Mental combo, mental magnet merit
6th +3 Milla Vodello's dance party, levitation merit badge
7th +3 Mental connection merit badge
8th +3 Evasion,Ability Score Improvement
9th +4 shield merit badge
10th +4 Pyrokinesis merit badge, Telekinesis upgrade
11th +4 Mental combo 2
12th +4 confusion merit badgeAbility Score Improvement
13th +5 Mental cage
14th +5 Invisibility merit badge
15th +5 Projection merit badge
16th +5 Ability Score Improvement
17th +6 mental combo 3
18th +6 Clairvoyance merit badge
19th +6 Ability Score Improvement
20th +6 Psychonaut merit badge, Time bubble merit badge,Mind's door
Psychonaut Features

Basic braining[edit]

At first level, your training has officially began. You get Psy points equal to your Intelligence modifier plus your level, these points increase by your modifier Everytime you level up. All expended psy points refresh after a long rest and half on a short rest

Apart of basic Braining is mental defense, You now have an AC of 10 + Int mod + dex mod

Your save DC for abilities is 8+prof+int

Mental hand

Also at Level one you learn to harness the power of your brain and summon forth a visible mental construct of a hand( Or whatever you like), it has a reach of 5ft and cannot be used to grab things. This hand has a damage of 1d6 and Increases to 1d8 at 6th level, 1d10 at 11th, and 1d12 at 16th level.

Telekinesis merit badge[edit]

At second level your mental hand learned to use it's fingers, proving that you are growing as a Psychonaut. At 2nd Level your hand or mental construct can be used to grab anything of fifty pounds or lighter, it also gains a ranged attack of (30/60)


Also at 2nd level you can put expertise in two skills of your choice

Sasha Nein's deadly mark[edit]

Starting at 3rd level, your mind begins to develope in new ways. As a bonus action, a glowing energy forms in the center of your head firing out at your attacker. This beam does 1d6 at this level and goes up xd6's X is the number of psy points you put into it.

Marksman Merit

Following the advancement of you journey, another merit badge was bestowed upon you. With this badge, all psychically throw/fired projectiles add profiency to the damage.

Oarsman badge[edit]

At 4th level you gain a profiency in water vehicles and can navigate through storms with no penalties.

Ability score improvement

Also at 4th you gain and ability score improvement, you can put two points in one stat or one point in two starts. You also gain these at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level

Mental combo[edit]

Starting at 5th level you can now attack twice as apart of the attack action, three attacks at 11th level, and four attacks at 17th

Mental Magnet

Also at Level 5 you gain the ability to pull tiny treasures towards you as an action, you can do this twice per short rest

Milla Vodello's dance party[edit]

At 6th level your training escalates and you gain advantage in dexterity saving throws.

Levitation Merit badge

At 6th level for the cost of 2 Psy points, you conjure a mental ball that doubles your jumping distance and allows you to slow fall if used like a balloon. The ball can be used to traverse like a mount, it has +15 to your base walking speed.

Mental connection merit badge[edit]

At 7th Level for the cost of 6 psy points and a bonus action, you and a willing creature become mentally linked for one hour with this you gain the following benefits

•as an action You both gain the ability to look through each other's eyes, giving one of you advantage on investigation checks
•Any psychic damage one of you take, you can divide it between the two
•you can communicate telepathically


At 8th Level whenever you are forced to make a dexterity save and succeed instead of half damage you take no damage

Shield merit badge[edit]

At 9th level you become fast with defense, as an reaction and 8 psy points you can form a protective barrier around yourself until the start of your next turn. You gain a +3 to your AC and can't be moved, when using this you lose all movement speed until the shield runs out. You take have damage on dex saves.

Pyrokinesis Merit badge[edit]

At 10th level you learn that fire is pretty and studying it long enough has allowed you to heat things up with your mind. As an action and 10 Psy points, you can look at a target and set them on fire. The must make a con save or take 5d8 fire damage until they make the save. Objects can also be set ablaze

You've developed a stronger grip on your telekinesis, You can make a grapple check with your mental hands and use intelligence instead of strength

Confusion merit badge[edit]

At 12th level you can now produce the feeling of confusion and weaponize it. As an action and 8 psy points you can make a creature make a wisdom save on a fail they take 2d6 psychic damage and now will view even it's teammates as enemies and must waste it's time attacking the closest person. This ability lasts four rounds.

Mental Cage[edit]

At 13th level you become immune to being charmed and frightened, you also gain resistance to psychic damage.

Invisibility merit badge[edit]

At 14th level you gain the ability to vanish from sight, for the cost of 10 Psy points you may become invisible for the next minute or until you attack. Beings with truesight can see you.

Projection merit badge[edit]

At 15th level you can the ability to project a mirror image of yourself using your, for 8 psy points you can create a clone of yourself. It walks and talks like you but can't attack, creatures must make a perception check vs your save DC to see through this illusion or waste an attack on it.

Clairvoyance merit badge[edit]

At 18th you gain the ability to look into the mind of any creature, for the cost of 15 Psy points you can attempt to force your way into the mind of a creature. They must make a wisdom save or take 14d4 Psychic damage and they will see you as an Ally.for every 15 points you can take over another mind at the cost of one level of exhaustion max up to 5.

Psychonaut badge[edit]

You have completed your training and gathered the required merit badges, you have graduated and become a true psychonaut. whenever you are hit with a psychic attack you can send it right back at the attacker once per long rest.

You also learn better mastery over your abities, Levitating costs no points to activate and the movement speed increases to +20ft.

Shielding now grants a +5 and let's you get 1d8+con hit points back

Your new AC becomes 12+int+dex and are now immune to psychic damage.

Time bubble[edit]

Also at 20th level you can spend 30 Psy points to create a 30×30 bubble where time moves slow, you have advantage on dex saves in this zone and attackers have disadvantage since you move faster than them. You can do this twice before you need a long rest

Mind's door[edit]

Finally you get your ultimate tool, a doorway to the mind, this tool let's you roam the mindscape of any creature. As an action you can slap this door on the head of a creature or yourself and enter their mind or pull them into yours. They must my a wisdom save on a success you have to wait a day to do this again. But on a fail you can enter their mind and investigate their mind for whatever you need

But if you pull them in, then your inner self attacks them all your attacks for five full rounds of combat. All damage done to inner you is psychic.

While using this door, you and the creatures you sucked in up to (your profiency mod) are all incompacitated until you let them out or the door kicks them out after the limit. You can draw people in once per long rest


Prerequisites. To qualify for multiclassing into the <!-class name-> class, you must meet these prerequisites:

Proficiencies. When you multiclass into the <!-class name-> class, you gain the following proficiencies:

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