Omniarcanist of Caladon (3.5e Prestige Class)

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"Who were you to think that your pitiful excuse for power could even begin to rival mine? While you were busy sacrificing one school in order to master another, I have been blessed with a mastery of all magic." -Anor Anel, Silvanesti Elf, Omniarcanist

Class Description[edit]

Throughout the world, there are casters who feel the desire for magical knowledge and power. These casters stretch themselves to the point of their own demise in order to gain more of a connection with the source of magic. Because of that, many clerics turn toward a hermit-like lifestyle, most mages become insane in their pursuits, bards shy from their own spells due to feelings of inadequacy, and druids shun society more heavily than they did. This is not the desire of Caladon, a newly ascended deity in the world of Krynn; he desires to see that casters find the root of knowledge through his teachings. Whereas the Lore Master is a seeker of secrets and earthly knowledge, the Omniarcanist of Caladon is a seeker of unadulterated magical aptitude.

Becoming an Omniarcanist[edit]

The majority of Omniarcanists are extremely dedicated spellcasters. Wizards, clerics, sorcerers, druids, and bards are all as likely as one another to take the mantle of this prestige class. Casters who have prohibited spells will not be able to pursue this class; in that case, wizards must shy away from specializing, clerics must shy from alignment-based domains, and sorcerers must be under a conviction of diversity. Druids will make up the smallest following in this prestige class as their power is generated by nature, but they may still be found within the class's ranks.

Due to the class's magical rather than martial focus, one will rarely find barbarians, fighters, monks, paladins, rangers, or rogues unless they have taken advantage of multi-classing.

Finally, as one's moral standing does not directly have an impact upon one's dedication to magic, casters of any alignment may take this prestige class.

Entry Requirements

Skills: Bluff 2 ranks, Knowledge (Arcana) 8 Ranks, Knowledge (Religion) 5 Ranks, Spellcraft 8 Ranks

Feats: Spell Focus (Any), Arcane Defense (Any) Any One Metamagic Feat or Item Creation Feat

Spellcasting: Must have the ability to cast at least one spell of each school.:

Special: The character must have successfully proven himself in some form of test, and must have sworn absolute dedication to general wizardry rather than specialization.

Table: The Omniarcanist

Hit Die: d4

Level Base
Attack Bonus
Saving Throws Special Spellcasting
Fort Ref Will
1st +0 +0 +0 +2

Spell Focus, Arcane Defense, Tower Resources, Lithe Tongue

+1 to Existing Caster Level
2nd +1 +0 +0 +3 Spell Focus, Arcane Defense +1 to Existing Caster Level
3rd +1 +1 +1 +3 Spell Focus, Arcane Defense +1 to Existing Caster Level
4th +2 +1 +1 +4 Black Order Secret +1 to Existing Caster Level
5th +2 +1 +1 +4 Spell Focus, Arcane Defense +1 to Existing Caster Level
6th +3 +2 +2 +5 Spell Focus, Arcane Defense +1 to Existing Caster Level
7th +3 +2 +2 +5 Red Order Secret +1 to Existing Caster Level
8th +4 +2 +2 +6 Spell Focus, Arcane Defense +1 to Existing Caster Level
9th +4 +3 +3 +6 Spell Focus, Arcane Defense +1 to Existing Caster Level
10th +5 +3 +3 +7 White Order Secret, Innate Spell +1 to Existing Caster Level

Class Skills (4 + Int modifier per level)
Bluff, Concentration, Craft (All Taken Separately), Decipher Script, Diplomacy, Intimidate, Knowledge (All Taken Separately), Profession (All Taken Separately), Speak Language, Spellcraft,

Table: The Epic Omniarcanist
Level Special
13th Bonus Feat
16th Bonus Feat
19th Bonus Feat

Bonus Feats: The epic Omniarcanist gains a bonus feat (selected from the list corresponding to her original class as per the Epic Level Handbook) every three levels after 10th. In addition to the feats on the class list, the Omniarcanist can select a Secret of High Sorcery from any Order or Greater Spell Focus instead of a bonus feat.

Class Features[edit]

Spellcasting: At each level after first, you gain new spells per day and an increase in caster level (and spells known, if applicable) as if you had also gained a level in a spellcasting class to which you belonged before adding the prestige class level. You do not, however, gain any other benefit a character of that class would have gained. If you had more than one spellcasting class before becoming an Omniarcanist, you must decide to which class to add each level for the purpose of determining spells per day, caster level, and spells known.

Lithe Tongue (Su): An Omniarcanist can speak with eloquence and believability, even when telling bold-faced lies, by using her cunning as well as her charm. When making Charisma-based checks, an Omniarcanist adds her Intelligence modifier as well as her Charisma modifier to determine her check result.

Spell Focus: At each level except the 4th, 7th, and 10th, the Omniarcanist gains Spell Focus as a free bonus feat. At the end of her training, she will have been granted Spell Focus in each School of Magic.

Arcane Defense: At each level except the 4th, 7th, and 10th, the Omniarcanist gains Arcane Defense as a free bonus feat. The chosen school must be the same as the one selected for Spell Focus at this level.

Tower Resources: An Omniarcanist often has an easy time gaining resource assistance from local wizards, librarians, and clergy for the sake of spell research and the creation of magical items. These various resources often contain the spellbooks of countless wizards throughout history, stretching back to the infancy of humanoids. With access to these libraries, it is easier for a caster to create new spells or to add new spells to her spellbooks. When an Omniarcanist is researching or scribing a spell using the Tower's libraries, the time requirement for replacing or copying spells is halved, while the cost for creating new spells is three-quarters of the normal cost.

Black Order Secret: At 4th level, an Omniarcanist gains access to a Secret of the Black Order of High Sorcery. In accordance with the promise of the darker aspect of magic, this is the Order that grants power the quickest. The Omniarcanist gains access to one of the following: Magic of Betrayal, Magic of Darkness, Magic of Fear, Magic of Hunger, or Magic of Pain.

Red Order Secret: At 7th level, an Omniarcanist gains access to a Secret of the Red Order of High Sorcery. In accordance with the promise of the balance of magic, this is the Order that grants power at an intermediate rate. The Omniarcanist gains access to one of the following: Magic of Change, Magic of Deception, Magic of Independence, Magic of Mystery, or Magic of Purity.

White Order Secret: At 10th level, an Omniarcanist gains access to a Secret of the White Order of High Sorcery. In accordance with the promise of the more holy side of magic, this is the Order that grants power at the slowest rate. The Omniarcanist gains access to one of the following: Magic of Defense, Magic of Radiance, Magic of Resistance, Magic of Sustenance, or Magic of Truth.

Innate Spell (Su): At 10th level, an Omniarcanist can sacrifice one of her spell slots in order to permanently prepare one of her spells as a spell-like ability that can be used twice per day. The Omniarcanist does not use any components when casting the spell, although a spell that costs XP to cast still does so, and a spell with a costly material component costs her 10 times that amount in XP.

The Omniarcanist can choose to modify the spell permanently with any metamagic feats known to her, but must account for this when sacrificing the spell slot.

The Omniarcanist may use an available higher-level spell slot in order to use the Innate Spell more often. Using a slot three levels higher than the chosen spell allows her to use the Innate Spell four times per day, and a slot six levels higher lets her use it six times per day.

Order Secrets[edit]

The following are secrets of the Orders of High Sorcery. Non-epic Omniarcanists are limited to selecting only one secret per Order, and only when they are instructed to do so by the previous table.

Black Order Secrets[edit]

Magic of Betrayal: Once per day for every two class levels attained, an Omniarcanist who knows this secret may Empower or Extend any necromancy spell she casts. The spell functions as though she had applied the appropriate metamagic feat, but she does not use a higher-level spell slot. When she does so, a backlash of negative energy dealing 2d6 points of damage to a single living ally within 3 feet, chosen by the wizard (who may not choose an undead ally, who would benefity from the negative energy). The ally is allowed a Will save (DC 10 + one-half caster level + relative spellcasting modifer) for half damage.

Magic of Darkness: Once per day for every two class levels attained, an Omniarcanist who knows this secret can imbue a damaging spell with negative energy. Half of the damage dealty by such a spell is negative energy damage, and is therefore not subject to being reduced by protection from energy or similar magic (although death ward negates it). The remainder of the damage is dealt as normal for the spell. Undead are healed by negative energy, so damage deal to undead creatures simply averages out to nothing for a spell modified in this way. (Assume that the healing takes place first, granting the undead creature temporary hit points above its maximum if necessary, with equivalent damage then dealt to leave the creature back where it started).

Magic of Fear: An Omniarcanist who knows this secret can make her spells more intimidating. As a full-round action, the caster can cast any spell that deals damage and has a normal casting time of 1 standard action. Then, as a free action, she can immediately attempt to demoralize one opponent within 30 feet by making an Intimidate check against the opponent's modified character level (see the Intimidate skill, page 76 of the Player's Handbook). The caster receives a circumstance bonus on the Intimidate check equal to the level of the spell she casts.

Magic of Hunger: An Omniarcanist who knows this secret may draw even further upon her own resources to increase the scope of her magic. Each day, she may prepare one extra spell of any level she can cast at the cost of 1 point of Constitution damage per spell level. This ability damage heals normally but cannot be magically restored.

Magic of Pain: Once per day for every two class levels attained, an Omniarcanist who knows this secret may cast any spell that deals hit point damage to inflict pain beyond the spell's normal effects. Any creature damaged by such a spell must make a Fortitude save (DC 10 + spell level + Constitution modifier) or suffer a -2 penalty on attack rolls, skill checks, and ability checks for one round due to the lingering pain the spell inflicts. As a price for this wracking pain, the Ominarcanist herself takes 1d6 points of damage when the spell is cast.

Red Order Secrets[edit]

Magic of Change: Once per day for every two class levels attained, an Omniarcanist who knows this secret may Enlarge or Extend any transmutation spell she casts. The spell functions as though she had applied the appropriate metamagic feat, but does not use a higher-level spell slot.

Magic of Deception: Once per day for every two class levels attained, an Omniarcanist who knows this secret may Enlarge or Extend any illusion spell she casts. The spell functions as though she had applied the appropriate metamagic feat, but does not use a higher-level spell slot.

Magic of Independence: An Omniarcanist who knows this secret casts spells that are harder to dispel. when another spellcaster's makes a dispel check against one of the caster's spells (including using dispel magic to counterspell a spell the caster is casting), the DC is 15 + the caster level.

Magic of Mystery: An Omniarcanist who knows this secret casts spells that are harder to detect and identify. When another spellcaster attempts to use a divination spell (such as detect magic), or a spell-like ability or magic item that might detect the magical aura of one of the caster's spells, the other caster must make a level check (DC 11 + the Omniarcanist's caster level) to successfully detect the spell. Similarly, a spellcaster attempting to use a divination spell (such as see invisibility) to reveal the effects of one of the caster's spells must make a level check to reveal the spell's effects. Any given caster can check only once for each divination spell or effect used, no matter how many of the wizard's spell effects may be operating in the area.

In addition, when another spellcaster attempts to identify the spell an Omniarcanist is casting (for instance, to counterspell it), the DC of the required Spellcraft check is increased by +1 for every 2 class levels the Omniarcanist has attained.

Magic of Purity: Once per day for every two class levels attained, an Omniarcanist who knows this secret may imbue any spell that deals hit point damage with pure arcane energy. Half of the damage dealt by such a spell comes from this arcane energy, and is therefore not subject to being reduced by protection from energy or similar magic. The remainder of the damage is dealt as normal for the spell.

Secrets of the White Order[edit]

Magic of Defense: Once per day for every two class levels attained, an Omniarcanist who knows this secret may Empower or Extend any abjuration spell she casts. The spell functions as though she had applied the appropriate metamagic feat, but does not use a higher-level spell slot.

Magic of Radiance: Once per day for every two class levels attained, an Omniarcanist who knows this secret may imbue any spell that deals hit point damage with radiant energy. Half of the damage dealt by such a spell comes from this radiant energy, and is therefore not subject to being reduced by protection from energy or similar magic. The remainder of the damage dealt is as normal for the spell. Against undead, a spell modified in this way deals half again as much damage as normal (double the radiant energy damage). As a side effect, radiant spells give off as much illumination as a light spell of equivalent caster level, and this light lingers in the area for one round after the end of the spell's duration (or one round for an instantaneous spell).

Magic of Resistance: This secret allows an Omniarcanist to more easily counter or dispel the magic cast by others. The caster gains the benefit of the Improved Counterspell feat (if she does not already posses it) and gains a competence bonus equal to +1 per two class levels.

Magic of Sustenance: This secret allows an Omniarcanist to cast spells even under difficult circumstances. The caster gains a competence bonus equal to +1 per two class levels on all Concentration checks made to cast or direct spells (but does not gain a Concentration check bonus while casting defensively).

Magic of Truth: Once per day for every two class levels attained, an Omniarcanist who knows this secret may Enlarge or Extend any divination spell she casts. The spell functions as though she had applied the appropriate metamagic feat, but does not use a higher-level spell slot.

Campaign Information[edit]

Playing an Omniarcanist[edit]

Combat: In the midst of a great battle, the Omniarcanist may be found in nearly any capacity. As each of the members of this prestige class has forsworn any form of specialization, they will each be equally useful in all battles. One may find an Omniarcanist spying on the enemy troops, protecting her companions from certain destruction, fighting against an enemy blade to blade, controlling the commander of the enemy squadron in order to escape with as few casualties as possible, summoning new allies for reinforcement, raising the fallen enemies to increase her own chances of survival, making her allies disappear, or throwing a fireball at the enemy army. In short, this specialized generalist may serve any party's needs.

Advancement: The typical road taken which leads to this class is that of a dedicated spellcaster. Generalist wizards, clerics of magic, and druids make the best candidates. Bards may be found within the ranks of this loosely-knit organization, but as they gain no extra uses or abilities for their Bardic Music, it is much less likely to imagine. Most of the warrior and expert classes lack the drive or magical aptitude to join this class. It is not, however, entirely uncommon to see Rogue/Wizards, Rogue/Clerics, or even Rogue/Druids finding this an exciting path to pursue. As both rogues and Omniarcanists are always seeking something beyond them, their paths may likely cross.

Resources: Temples, libraries, and public wizard's towers may act not only as beacons of knowledge for Omniarcanists, but they will also be able to provide powerful allies for adventuring parties. These temples and towers will be able to serve as safe-havens for magic users in times of great rhabdophobia.

Omniarcanists in the World[edit]

Evil is not evil when wielded by one with restraint. Good is not good until it is seen in moderation. I have seen evil devour itself, but I have seen good do the same. Knowledge can seek to destroy you; ignorance surely will. -Lothos Caladon

Omniarcanists all realize the duality of magic. They realize that it has the potential to both create and destroy, but either way it is finding use. To them, magic is not just a tool, but a way of life. Many good Omniarcanists follow this path in order to utilize all forms of magic for the good of the world; that is, they have found ways to utilize transmutation, illusion, enchantment, and even necromancy for the betterment of humanity. Neutral Omniarcanists are typically found studying magic for its own sake; they realize fully what it capable of, but they are more interested in studying it and applying it for its own sake. Evil Omniarcanists accept the idea that power can be gained through many mediums, not just the two that the Towers allot them. It is not that they wish to destroy civilization (always), but they want to use magic to make themselves advisers, kings, and gods. Above all, none of them see the validity in the Towers of High Sorcery choosing to displace various magical disciplines to different Orders. All Omniarcanists wish to embrace magic and their god for their own sakes; that is where their commonality lies.

NPC Reactions: Many NPCs will view Omniarcanists in the same manner that they would view other spellcasters. Most people cannot distinguish arcane from divine, let alone understand the values and hindrances of specialization. To them, magic is most likely magic.

Omniarcanist Lore[edit]

Characters with ranks in Knowledge (Arcana or Religion) can research Omniarcanists to learn more about them. When a character makes a skill check, read or paraphrase the following, including information from lower DCs. The following is an example of Omniarcanists in the Dragonlance Campaign Setting during a specific alteration of the Age of Mortals. Create your own as appropriate to your own campaign.

Knowledge (Arcana or Religion)
DC Result

Arcana: The Omniarcanists of Caladon are made up largely of low-level generalist wizards that have not declared allegiance to any of the Moons of Magic. They wear all of the robes of the High Sorcery.

Religion: The Omniarcanists of Caladon are an elite sect within the Church of Caladon. Each of them wears green in honor of their deity.


Arcana: The Omniarcanists of Caladon derive their power from all of the Moons of Magic. Their ranks are not just composed of the low-ranking wizards, but also of a few rare generalist wizards who have ascended within the Towers of High Sorcery.

Religion: The Omniarcanists of Caladon are in reverence of an ancient Elven god whose hourglass constellation sits in the sky. They draw their power directly from Caladon who siphons power away from Solinari, Lunitari, and Nuitari. They respect all of the gods of magic, but they acknowledge the benefit of generalist magic.


Arcana: The current Master of the White Order of High Sorcery is a Silvanesti Wizard whose ranks come from well within those of the Omniarcanists of Caladon. He has been the most blessed by all of the gods of magic (Caladon included), and he uses his power to record the history of Krynn since Astinus left Palanthas.

Religion: The current High Priest of Caladon is a Celestial Archivist whose ranks come from well within those of the Omniarcanists of Caladon. He has been blessed by all of the gods of magic (Caladon included), and he uses his powers to relay the desires of the gods to the world around him.


Arcana or Religion: The Current Master of the White Order of High Sorcery and the High Priest of Caladon are one and the same. He is the son of Lothos Caladon, prior to his ascension, and his previously angelic wife, Rose. Few realize that the reason this young elf is so gifted in his magical pursuits is that he is half-celestial and a Mystic Theurge of Caladon. Not only was he the first cleric of his father, but he has also been his experiment in promoting this new style of magical study. It is not common knowledge that this powerful young angel-elf's father was once mortal. It was Caladon that assisted greatly in forging the world as it currently is. Not only did he rid the world of Fistandantalus and the God-Priest, but he also collected most of the modern secrets of the previous magocracy in his mortal life.

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