3.5e Epic Spells, Seeds, and Powers

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Epic Spells, Seeds, and Powers

Making an epic spell? You may want to check out the homebrew epic spell factors.

Epic Spells

Colossus Banishment:
Deflect Arrows: Ranged attacks targeted against the character rebound on the original attacker.
Egill's Eye of Truth: This spell can end ongoing spells that have been cast on a creature or object.
SRD:Epic Counterspell:
SRD:Epic Repulsion:
SRD:Epic Spell Reflection:
SRD:Eternal Freedom:
Eternal Freedom Fixed: The subject of this spell becomes permanently immune to a series of specific spells, effects, and spell-like abilities.
SRD:Kinetic Control:
Lesser Power Sealing: Lesser Power Sealing seals a creature's power, greatly reducing their level count, base attack bonus, saves, stats, skills, and abilities
SRD:Superb Dispelling:
Supreme Counterspell:
Apotheosis Chrysalis: This epic conjuration creates a cocoon which can enable one to become a deity.
Complete Restoration: This spell wipes away all disease and injury
SRD:Contingent Resurrection:
SRD:Create Living Vault:
SRD:Crown of Vermin:
Demiplane Creation: This spell creates an empty Demiplane for the caster.
SRD:Dragon Knight:
SRD:Dragon Strike:
Ebony Blades of Ruin: This spell creates up to 5 rift swords, that damages and destroys enemies and objects.
Egill's Renewed Skin: This spell grants a creature additional armor
SRD:Epic Mage Armor:
Eternal Seal:
Final Gate: This spell opens a near unlimited amount of Gates, at the control of the caster.
Flash Step:
SRD:Gathering of Maggots:
Hundred-Arm Titan:
Hunters of Undeath:
Instant Army, Chaos Beast:
Instant Army, Omega Weapon:
Instant Relocation:
Lesser Spell Power:
SRD:Lord of Nightmares:
SRD:Nailed to the Sky:
New Life:
SRD:Origin of Species: Achaierai:
Origin of species: Starborn:
Phantom Summoning: This spell summons an outsider of up to CR 20 to serve you.
Primal Calling: Calls forth one Primal elemental
Primal Elemental Binding: Primal Elemental Binding allows you to permanently bind a powerful elemental ally to your service, specifically, a Primal Elemental.
Purifying Sanctuary:
SRD:Raise Island:
Regressed Clone: Create a clone of the target that is their younger, level 1, equivalent.
Rise of Martyrs:
Robilar's Last Ditch: This spell protects the caster should they begin to weaken.
Robilar's Second Defense: This spell creates an invisible but tangible force effect that protects the target
Sacred Ash: Phoenix ash spreads around the area in a whipping wind, healing the living and resurrecting the dead.
SRD:Safe Time:
Seige Ball: Upon casting, this spell creates a 225lb (5ft-diameter) Platinum Ball and gives it a 272 mph (2400 ft/round or 439 kmh) speed.
Sickle of Sorrow:
Siege Cannon: This spell conjures a massive seige engine, primed and loaded, waiting for ignition.
Suck on THIS!:
SRD:Summon Behemoth:
Summon Hecatoncheires:
Summon the Great Wyrms:
Sunfire Orb: This spell creates a stable gateway to the primal depths of the elemental plane of fire, containing an orb 2 feet across of intense fire and heat.
SRD:Time Duplicate:
Total Eclipse:
Total Revive:
Unbounded Teleportation: Instantly takes the caster to a designated destination, regardless of distance or plane.
Variants of Future Spell Power: Upon casting this spell, you transfer energy into the future
Varren's Ball of Infinite Ducks:
SRD:Verdigris Tsunami:
Verdigris Tsunami, Perfect:
Vivacious Jar:
Become Hivemind:
Fallen Down:
Lone Diplomat:
Perfect Status Vision:
SRD:Soul Dominion:
SRD:Soul Scry:
Destructive Gift: The subject, upon failing its save, has one of its stats altered to match yours.
Eternal Ally:
SRD:Soul Dominion:
SRD:Spell Worm:
Venerable Convolution:
SRD:Animus Blast:
SRD:Animus Blizzard:
Blizzard Bolt: Hurls a bolt of powerful cold lightning
SRD:Dire Winter:
Englebert's Exponentially Explosive Evocation:
Epic Fireball: Epic Fireball is a massive ball of fire that detonates with a mass of flames.
Epic Fireball, Greater: A fireball spell is an explosion of flame that detonates with a low roar and deals 25d6 points of fire damage to every creature within the area.
Epic Fireball, Improved: A fireball spell is an explosion of flame that detonates with a low roar and deals 25d6 points of fire damage to every creature within the area.
Epic Fireball, Lesser: A fireball spell is an explosion of flame that detonates with a low roar and deals 20d6 points of fire damage to every creature within the area.
Epic Fireball, Superior: A fireball spell is an explosion of flame that detonates with a low roar and deals 25d30 points of fire damage to every creature within the area.
Epic Magic Missile:
Fallen Down:
Flash Freeze:
Heat Death:
SRD:Living Lightning:
Magic Blow:
Mirror Maze:
Perfect Storm:
SRD:Rain of Fire:
Thunder Clap:
Blood of the Pale Moon: The caster creates a very livid, realistic, but highly morphic illusion that spans a massive area, in which the caster may determine by own choice who to try and affect.
Blood of the Pale Moon, Greater: The caster creates a very livid, realistic, but highly morphic illusion that spans a massive area, in which the caster may determine by own choice who to try and affect.
SRD:Demise Unseen:
Epic Invisibility:
Illusionary Confidence:
Invisibility, Epic:
Phantom Summoning: This spell summons an outsider of up to CR 20 to serve you.
Public Assassination: This spell, when cast, does three things simultaneously.
Tsukuyomi (A.K.A Perfect Illusion world):
Undetectability: When cast, this spell causes a creature or object touched or the caster to become undetectable
Absolute death:
Animate Lich:
Animate Undead Horde:
Black Lightning:
Castigation of the Natural World:
Create Life:
Death from Afar:
Declaration of Death:
SRD:Demise Unseen:
Destroy Homebrew Material:
Eternal Soul: A willing process by which the caster crafts himself into a ghost.
Fear, Greater:
Hurt Black Mage:
SRD:Momento Mori:
SRD:Mummy Dust:
Power Word Annihilate:
Public Assassination: This spell, when cast, does three things simultaneously.
Shadow Asgard: This spell creates violent surges of negative energy in a 60 ft. emanation around the caster, bestowing 4d4 negative levels on any living creature in the area.
Siphon Power:
The End of Flesh:
True Fusion:
Veni, Vidi, Hunc mundum finitum:
Vile Reincarnation:
Alter History:
Become Lethus dragon:
Become Lethus dragon, Greater:
Blast Power:
Dancing Swords:
Deplorable Word: Upon speaking the Deplorable word with the proper ceremonies, the entire world is swathed in a purely destructive impulse destroying all creatures.
Enter the Void:
Eternal Seal:
Final Ruin: As Greater Ruin, except targets area of 12,000 square ft, all within area are dealt 50d6 damage.
Fortitudo Invictus:
SRD:Greater Ruin:
SRD:Greater Spell Resistance:
SRD:Let Go of Me:
SRD:Mass Frog:
Superfast Plant Growth (3.5e Spell):
Temporal Bubble:
Ultima: This spell produces a powerful explosion of disintegrating energy
Utter Destruction: A thin, green ray springs from your pointing finger. The creature struck by the ray takes 1000 points of damage.
SRD:Vengeful Gaze of God:
Wooded-Touch: Alter your metallic objects into natural materials.
Greater Wish:
Perfect Wish:

Epic Spell Seeds

SRD:Banish (Epic Spell Seed):
SRD:Dispel (Epic Spell Seed):
SRD:Reflect (Epic Spell Seed):
SRD:Superb Dispelling (Epic Spell Seed):
SRD:Ward (Epic Spell Seed):
SRD:Armor (Epic Spell Seed):
SRD:Conjure (Epic Spell Seed):
SRD:Heal (Epic Spell Seed):
SRD:Life (Epic Spell Seed):
SRD:Summon (Epic Spell Seed):
SRD:Transport (Epic Spell Seed):
SRD:Contact (Epic Spell Seed):
SRD:Foresee (Epic Spell Seed):
SRD:Reveal (Epic Spell Seed):
SRD:Afflict (Epic Spell Seed):
SRD:Compel (Epic Spell Seed):
Phantasm: This spell seed creates a spell which creates the illusion of the land around them converting into terrain that channels an elemental force, damaging them appropriately.
Damage: This seed creates an energy effect of the caster's choosing
SRD:Energy (Epic Spell Seed):
SRD:Conceal (Epic Spell Seed):
SRD:Delude (Epic Spell Seed):
Phantasm: This spell seed creates a spell which creates the illusion of the land around them converting into terrain that channels an elemental force, damaging them appropriately.
SRD:Animate Dead (Epic Spell Seed):
SRD:Slay (Epic Spell Seed):
Age: Spells using the age seed instantly age the touched subject by one year
SRD:Animate (Epic Spell Seed):
SRD:Destroy (Epic Spell Seed):
SRD:Fortify (Epic Spell Seed):
SRD:Transform (Epic Spell Seed):

Epic Powers

Deadtime: You create strands of quintessence that coat the subject completely in quintessence (the coating is 1 inch thick) which hardens instantly.
Maxwell's Silver Hammer: You instantly create a alchemical silver warhammer with incredible destructive power known as Maxwell's Silver Hammer.
Entroplasm Blast: You instantly draw forth up to twenty six 100-ft. cubes of a special form of ectoplasm known as entroplasm.
Hyperblast: You spend a few seconds of intense concentration gathering your psionic power. Then, you release it all in an enormous explosion of raw psionic energy
Culling Miasma: You create four 1000 ft. cubes of a quasi-real miasma which lasts for only a moment but steals the life energy from anything it touches.
Enduring Acceleration: You accelerate your current time frame as well as objects or creatures you touch infinitely allowing you to effectively act outside of time.
All Hearing Mind (3.5e Epic Spell):

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