Allurin (3.5e Creature)

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Allurin, 1st-Level Aristocrat
Size/Type: Medium Humanoid (planetouched, evil)
Hit Dice: 1d8-1 (4 hp)
Initiative: +0
Speed: 30 ft. in chain shirt (6 squares); base speed 30 ft.
Armor Class: 14 (+4 chain shirt), touch 10, flat-footed 14
Base Attack/Grapple: +0/-1
Attack: Longsword -1 melee (1d8-1/19-20) or Shortbow +0 ranged (1d6-1/x3)
Full Attack: Longsword -1 melee (1d8-1/19-20) or Shortbow +0 ranged (1d6-1/x3)
Space/Reach: 5 ft./5 ft.
Special Attacks: Allurin traits
Special Qualities: electricity resistance 5, darkvision 60 ft., susceptibility to cold iron (Su)
Saves: Fort -1, Ref +0, Will +4
Abilities: Str 8, Dex 11, Con 9, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 15
Skills: Bluff (Cha) +6 (+8), Diplomacy (Cha) +6 (+8), Disguise (Cha) +4 (+6), Gather Information (Cha) +6 (+8), Knowledge (local) (Int) +3, Perform (one of choice) (Cha) +4 (+6), Sense Motive (Wis) +2; with minimum bonus against those who are sexually attracted in brackets; Languages: Common, Abyssal
Feats: Poison Kiss (poison DC 12, DC 24 to not use accidentally), Iron Will
Environment: usually urban
Organization: solitary
Challenge Rating: 1/2
Treasure: Standard coins; standard goods; standard items
Alignment: Any, tends toward Chaotic Evil; Rarely Neutral
Advancement: By character class
Level Adjustment: +0
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Allurin will usually avoid combat and rely on body guards or friends for protection. They fight their enemies using political influence and seduction.


The Allurin presented here has a higher social standing, as per Aristocrat class, and a fair amount of social skills. In a wilderness random encounter, the Allurin would probably be in a carriage and protected by guards or even knights. But this kind of character is much more suited as an NPC in an urban intrigue or detective adventure. He/she could be a noble, a city magistrate or a wealthy merchant.

Racial Traits[edit]

Allurin Traits (Ex): Allurin posses the following racial traits.

(LA +0 version)

  • Strength -2, Charisma +2: Allurin have naturally attractive physiques and a vibrant personality, but are not exceptionally strong.
  • Humanoid (planetouched, evil):
    As per planetouched subtype, Allurin are susceptible to spells that target outsiders such as banishment. As per evil subtype, Allurin can have any alignment, but regardless of their individual alignment they are affected by spells and effects that depend on alignment as if they were evil. They also suffer effects according to their actual alignment. They overcome damage reduction as if their natural weapons and any weapons they wield were evil-aligned. Allurin themselves refer to this as the Taint of Evil.
  • Medium size
  • Allurin base land speed is 30 ft.
  • electricity resistance 5
  • Darkvision 60 ft. (Ex): Darkvision is black and white only, but it is otherwise like normal sight, and Allurin can function just fine with no light at all.
  • Succubus Heritage: You gain Succubus Heritor and Fiendish Heritage (Planar Handbook) as virtual feats, which means you do not need to have them to fulfill feat or prestige class prerequisites.
  • Delicious Kiss (Su): An Allurin may use this ability when kissing a victim, or during any other act of passion. If the target is not willing to be kissed, the Allurin must start a grapple, which provokes an attack of opportunity. The victim is dazed for 1 round, and the Allurin is treated as though she has just consumed a good meal. The victim feels as though the experience was highly pleasurable, but is not under any supernatural compulsion to allow another kiss. This counts as an Abyssal Heritor feat.
  • Susceptibility to cold iron (Su): If an Allurin takes damage from a cold iron weapon, he takes one point of strength damage for each 5 full points of damage from the attack. He may take up to three points of ability damage with one hit. There is no saving throw. They also take this damage from creatures who are able to overcome DR / cold iron. Allurin suffer a -2 penalty to their attack rolls with weapons made of cold iron.
  • Automatic Languages: Common. Bonus Languages: Abyssal, and any spoken in the region of origin.
  • Favored Class: Sorcerer.
  • Level Adjustment: +0

The Allurin aristocrat presented here had the following ability scores before racial adjustments: Str 8, Dex 10, Con 9, Int 12, Wis 11, Cha 13.

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